eco-congregation. scotland image

Dunnichen, Letham & Kirkden Church of Scotland have been awarded the Silver Award.
We are very proud to be only the 18th church in Scotland to be awarded this status.
See details on the site

Here is a link to their website

Here is the latest newsletter

Earth Hour 2025 will be held on
Saturday 25th March 2024
8:30pm to 9:30pm (local time)

Earth Day 2025 is on
Tuesday 22nd April 2025


The BBC ran an amazing programme called "Extinction". Click here to view it.

Hi Margaret,
This time last week we were celebrating World Fair Trade Day.
This year the theme was ‘Reimagine the Economy.’ Exactly what Fairtrade farmers and workers do every day.
From Women Entrepreneurs making Fairtrade shea butter in West Africa, investing their income back in to their families’ education, to the Fairtrade almond growers in Palestine, protecting their crops from climate change.
‘We are now our own masters. In short, Fairtrade made farming viable for us.’ Mohammed Irsheid, Fairtrade almond farmer, Palestine.This special new World Fair Trade Day article by Zaytoun outlines why Fairtrade is so important for almond farmers in Palestine.
All over the world, Fairtrade farmers are showing us what a better, fairer economy could look like. When you choose Fairtrade, you are part of making that vision a reality.
READ: zaytoun on the impact of fairtrade
Sell Fairtrade as well as buy?
As well as choosing Fairtrade, we know many campaigners also sell Fairtrade, whether that’s at local markets, from a church stall or from their shops.
Since the sad closure of Traidcraft, some people have told us it’s been more difficult to buy wholesale Fairtrade products. If you are having trouble, look through this volunteer-created database of suppliers of all sorts of Fairtrade goods.
Some of the larger providers include Ethical Superstore, JTS and Oxfam.
find wholesale fairtrade goods
You can also check out a huge range of places to buy Fairtrade on our Buying Fairtrade webpages.
If you don't think you can sell Fairtrade anymore, there's still lots of other ways to campaign for fairer trade. Our website has some ideas to get you started.
Fairtrade Communities platform coming soon!
As many of you will know, our new Fairtrade Communities online platform – the Fairtrade Community Space – is due to launch in the next few weeks.
If you are an existing key contact for a Fairtrade Community group you will get an email with instructions on how to sign in as soon as the new Community Space is ready to go. We will also be releasing a new Campaign Action Guide at the same time.
The status of all Fairtrade Communities has been extended until at least August 2023, so you will have a few months to try out the new system and finalise your renewal commitment. Please see our website for more details.
And if you are not currently in a Fairtrade Community group, the launch of the Community Space and Campaign Action guide is the perfect time to get involved!
visit the Fairtrade communities webpage for more info
Great Big Green Week is coming
Great Big Green Week (10 June to 18 June) is less than a month away. We know lots of Fairtrade activists love getting involved in the UK's biggest celebration of community-led action on climate change. Check out our website for more details on how to get involved.
There's also a great selection of resources, training sessions and information on the Great Big Green Week website. Check out this blog for some ideas from other Fairtrade campaigners on how to take action for Great Big Green Week.
Thanks as ever for all your support. Whether it's selling Fairtrade or buying Fairtrade, getting involved in Green Week or committing your community to back Fairtrade, it's all a vital part of our global farmer-led effort to build a fairer future.
Best wishes,
Campaigns Team, Fairtrade Foundation